潘尚义,黄伦杰,刘振宇,卢云浩,何 强,迟原龙*
摘要:该文研究了小米辣椒在微波、油炸和干热处理下理化指标、辣椒素类物质含量和挥发性成分的变化规律。辣椒分别经微波700 W处理3 min,160 ℃油炸5 min和160 ℃干热处理15 min后,其水分含量分别降至9.12 g/100 g、12.47g/100g和66.62g/100g,表明微波和油炸处理下辣椒的脱水速率远快于干热方式。微波和油炸处理会使辣椒表皮色度迅速加深,甚至焦化;辣椒分别经微波700W处理1min,160℃油炸5min和80℃干热15min处理后,其辣椒素类物质含量分别下降至未处理样品的74.80%,32.90%和60.34%。经微波和油炸处理后,辣椒的焦糖香和烘烤香明显;干热处理后辣椒的主体风味变化较小。
中图分类号:TS255.36 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2024)06-0008-0007
Effects of Three Processing Methods on Physicochemical Properties, Capsaicinoids and Volatile Components of Xiaomila Chili
PAN Shangyi,HUANG Lunjie,LIU Zhenyu,LU Yunhao,HE Qiang,CHI Yuanlong*
(College of Biomass Science and Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China)
Abstract:This study investigated the changes in physicochemical properties, capsaicinoid contents, and volatile components of Xiaomila chili under microwave, deep-frying, and dry-heating processing. After microwave processing at 700 W for 3 min, deep-frying at 160 ℃ for 5 min, and dry-heating processing at 160 ℃ for 15 min, the moisture content of the Xiaomila chili decreased to 9.12 g/100 g, 12.47 g/100 g, and 66.62 g/100 g, respectively, indicating that the dehydration rates of Xiaomila chili during microwave and deep-frying processing were significantly faster than that during dry-heating processing. Both microwave and deep-frying processing resulted in rapid darkening and even charring of the Xiaomila chili skin. After microwave processing at 700 W for 1 min, deep-frying at 160 ℃ for 5 min, and dry-heating processing at 80 ℃ for 15 min, the capsaicinoid content of the Xiaomila chili decreased to 74.80%, 32.90%, and 60.34% of the unprocessed samples. The caramel and roasted aromas of the Xiaomila chili were significantly enhanced after microwave and deep-frying processing, while the overall flavor of the Xiaomila chili did not change significantly after dry-heating processing.
Keywords:Xiaomila chili;capsaicinoid;flavor compounds;microwave processing;deep-frying processing;dry-heating processing